Sunday, January 2, 2011

Cova Simanya - Simanya Cave

A few hours hiking across Saint Llorenç Mountain Natural Park, my kids, wife, her brother and myself -as well as my dog Cadí. We reached the cave and climbed up inside. Such a beautiful day and walk! took these pictures because i thought it could mean we were all getting out of the tunnel of bad times and crisis. Just my imagination i know.


Anguera said...

Mingo explains what he did a few hours on Saint Llorenç Mountain Natural Park. He go with his kids, wife, the brother of his wife and he. They climbed into the cave.

All the pictures are do it in the cave. The first, the second and the third we can see lonely a light, so they are a little bit far from the enter of the cave. The fourth picture we can start seeing some trees and shrubs. In the fifth picture we see trees, shrubs and a spiece of rock. In the last picture we see a mountain, with trees, separate for a wall of rock.

I think that this site is very awesome, because I went here last year in the Credit summary, it's really successfull.

Anonymous said...

A few hours hiking across Saint Llorenç Mountain Natural Park.
Mingo with his family.
In the images we see the beauty of the park and the cave Simanya, it arrive to end of the cave.

Fantastic photos of the park and the cave, keep it up.

Dani Vera 3-A

RRMB said...

Mingo explica que el y su familia fueron a Sant Llorens de excursión.
La primera fotografia tiene dos miradas, la cueva si, y la luna encima del mar, la segunda igual pero la tercera ya no tiene dos miradas sin embargo, no se ve muy bien, laquarta ya se ve que es una cueva y la quinta solose ve las vistas de la cueva.
Son unas fotografias buenas

Anonymous said...

Niece cave, we were visit that las year for the dit de credit sitesí.
I was live in Sant Llorenç Savall, there is near this cave.

Alex(2onB) said...

Hey Mingo, el progama es diu piviot3.
es una aplicacio per fer imatges gif, es adir animacions

Anonymous said...

Hola, voy a explicar una aplicación llamada pivot 3. Pivot 3 es una aplicación diseñada para hacer vidios de moniguillos. Yo prefiero hacer vidios de lucha de moniguillos, en mis vidios casi todos acaban muertos xD, bueno si os lo quereis bajar buscadlo. LGM