
Sunday, May 29, 2011

Summer (dreamed) Concert

Right now, these are the songs we'll have the pleasure to listen to in the voice and guitars of these guys.

Sweet Dreams - Beyonce
Somewhere only we know -  Keane
Count on me - Bruno Mars
It's my life - Bon Jovi
Black Bird - The Beatles
I love Rock n Roll - Joan Jett

Follow this post on lyrics my students picked up in January 2011 to read each song,  its translation and connect to the link of the youtube performance.

- Copy five verses that you might find interesting or new grammatically and its translation from each song.

- Pick up two different verses from each song to compose the lyrics of your own invented song, no translation needed in this case but try to choose coherent sentences to make up a story.

- Listen to the songs on youtube,

- Learn one set of four or five verses by heart.

- Choose one of the songs and listen to it carefully as you read it because it will be your reading test for this course,


Sigue  este enlace que lleva por titulo lyrics my students picked up de Enero de 2011 para leer cada canción en versión original con la traducción correspondiente al final.

Selecciona tres o cuatro versos de cada canción (de las seis primeras canciones) con la traducción correspondiente para componer tu propia canción, trata de que la letra sea coherente y tenga sentido. 

Una vez hayas escrito las dos composiciones en tu cuaderno, una en inglés y otra en castellano, puedes seguir los enlaces al final de cada traducción para ver el video y escuchar la canción en YOUTUBE.

Fira de la Prehistoria de Moia i CosmoCaixa

Cookies were delicious with nuts and honey

Skinning and cutting meat with a silex stone

Melting lead, amazing!!

making fire, still more amazing!!!

A lot of fun meeting these actors and actresses performing!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Magazine Project on Movie Transcripts

Hi there,

This is more or less the calendar of activities we'll be following for this last month of classes:

cal.lendari d'activitats aquest ultim mes:

- Thursday, June 2nd, a MACRO-CONCERT for all three groups at the theatre last morning hour, which means we will have to work on the songs that the artists have chosen,

- we still have to complete 2 progress checks and exams for units 8 and 9,

A MAGAZINE PROJECT  which implies personal research and personal pictures as well if you want to,  
Un projecte de revista individual, que implica recerca personal i fotos personals si voleu,

1st session: Explaining the activity

- please connect to these two links and take a look at these PDF's files so you can get an idea of the work to deliver,

therefore, your magazine should include:

1. a cover page, title and pictures of a movie, personal pictures, index,
2. an Index
3. a movie transcript in original version,
4. a translation
5. some grammar activities, crosswords, etc...
6. a section to chose from: sports, fashion, cooking, personal hobbies, etc...
7. a back cover.

- In order to choose a movie script, type in
"movie scripts" in a search engine like google or connect to any of these links:


- Select a movie title,

- Copy and paste it or download it to a word processor document;

- Take everything off except  NAME OF CHARACTERS, DIALOGUE AND SCENES,

Now you have the main body of your magazine

2nd and 3rd session, should be enough to transcribe the complete script into your magazine,
4th session, Provide either the translation of the main vocabulary or the complete script,
5th session, Invent some grammar activities following the example of Friends:

6th session, Include another section on sports, fashion, personal hobbies, etc...
7th session, Design the cover and back cover; convert the document to pdf and send it to me,

Podeis utilitzar cualquiera de estos enlaces para obtener el guion de una serie de tv o una pelicula de cine, o bien -en el ultimo enlace- bajaros el episodio, copiarlo en un dispositivo apropiado, llevarlo a clase y traer auriculares, en clase podreis transcribir los dialogos al documento del procesador de texto.

una vez que tengais esta seccion de vuestra revista, el resto de apartados es mas opcional, teneis que incluir una portada con el titulo del episodio o guion y una ilustracion adecuada, contraportada, seccion de deportes, moda, aficion personal, etc...

tener en cuenta usar un corrector para que no haya faltas de ortografia y hacer que otro compañero le eche un vistazo.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Simbad movie transcripts

SIMBAD, The Legend of the Sea

Sinbad: Pirate-Captain of the Chimera
Proteus: Prince
Marina: Proteus’ fiance
Kale: First Officer on the Chimera.
Eris: Goddess of Discord.
Rat: Crew member
Li Brothers: Crew members
King Dumas: Proteus’ father.
Spike: dog pet

Wake up, my beauties.
Rise and shine.
It's a brand-new day,
and the mortaI worId
I pull one tiny thread,
and their whole world unravels into chaos.

Glorious chaos.
And what could be more
perfect than this?
A noble prince,
a priceless treasure,
and a black-hearted thief.

You know what to do.

Gentlemen, this is
what we've been waiting for. The most precious treasure is on its way to Syracuse. It's a shame
it'll never get there.
After today, we retire to Fiji.

Let's get rich!

Sinbad movie transcripts